Saturday, August 14, 2010

Water Gardens

"Water Garden 12"
acrylic, Tyvek and pastel on panel
18" x 18"

This is the final piece for the New Editions Gallery exhibit next month. I'm excited about the way the grid composition has evolved. And thinking about this series last night I started getting a clearer idea how representational elements might be incorporated in the future.

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Water Gardens

"Water Garden 11"
acrylic, Tyvek and pastel on panel
18" x 18"

This painting is a little larger than the last four in this series. "Water Gardens" is actually a subset of the "Water" theme I am exploring. I'm curious to see where it all goes. I can see both more abstraction and the addition of figurative elements as possibilities. The idea is to keep the subject as a focal point, interspersed with other series, until it seems time to let it go.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Water Series

"Water Garden 10"
acrylic, Tyvek and pastel on panel
12" x 12"

I am continuing to develop work based on the theme of water. These four small pieces will be part of a group exhibit at New Editions Gallery in the Fall.

As I have mentioned before, water is fundamental to life on this planet, yet we often take it for granted - especially in the developed world. Because we are so connected to this simple molecule we ignore our mutual dependence to our own peril. When we do take notice, it can evoke both beauty and fear. This psychological tension is part of the power of our relationship to water - a seemingly endless source of inspiration, metaphor and myth. Yet, as with all things pertaining to life, the sustaining principle is balance, which I believe is best nurtured through awareness and appreciation. My hope is that these works can be received and enjoyed on simple experiential terms as well as serve to draw attention to the ideas I am exploring with them.

Stylistically I have taken multiple aspects of the subject, from microscopic views to abstracted patterns, and juxtaposed them in the same plane. The effect I'm after is a broad meditative impression with many potential passages of attention, rather than a single focal point or narrative. The compositional device of an asymmetrical grid holds the varied elements together and further states the message of dynamic balance.